

INTERVENTI > Artistic lighting and home automation > PADOVA – ISTITUTO TEOLOGICO “S. ANTONIO DOTTORE”

In the city of Padua, where Saint Anthony lived and taught, stands the Theological Institute of St. Anthony Doctor of the Friars Minor Conventual.

Established as a Theological College for the friars, the Institute has expanded its activities in recent decades, with the aim of responding to the request for theological and spiritual formation present within the Church and the contemporary world, offering courses of various kinds to religious, priests and laity; to educators and pastoral workers.

Inside there is a chapel full of meanings and symbols both in the structural choices and in the choice of colors.

Much care and attention has been paid to the design of the lighting system which was made with metal halide and halogen lamps installed along the ceiling rails, transversal to the classroom and hidden in the recesses in the windows.

Melloncelli was entrusted with the task of creating the new LED lighting in compliance with the original design choices, making some possible improvements thanks to the new technologies and specific characteristics of the LED.

A series of lighting bodies is dedicated to direct light which guarantees optimal uniformity and ensures a level of illumination useful for reading texts with average horizontal values ​​of over 150 lux.

A second group of lighting fixtures has always been designed for direct lighting but with the possibility of dimming so as to be able to vary the light intensity of the classroom and create different scenarios according to liturgical needs.

To give proper prominence to the liturgical fires, various luminous bodies were installed, chosen with different powers and optics. Obviously, each lighting body has a distinct ignition to allow you to enlighten each fire individually and focus the attention of the faithful where you want it most.

The presbytery is equipped with further projectors, each with its own lighting and with the possibility of dimming. This series of lamps allows to punctually illuminate single portions of the presbytery and with different intensities.

The twelve windows, a symbol of the twelve apostles, are each equipped with a particular lamp that draws a blade of light on the shoulders of the same windows.

On the balcony at the entrance, in a set back position so that it is as inconspicuous as possible from the classroom, there is a shaper equipped with a gobo designed specifically so that the light remains within the perimeter of the cross.

The system is managed by a 32″ touch screen that allows you to operate the individual ignitions or activate some preset scenarios according to the customer’s instructions.

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